Dress Code
“With More Freedom Comes More Responsibility”
The dress code for DHS will be similar to other public high schools in Polk County. Clothing must be in good taste and follow acceptable dress for an orderly learning environment. All clothing will fit appropriately, as determined by the administration. No undergarments should be visible. No attire will contain markings, which are offensive, suggestive, indecent, or gang related.
The following are the expectations for student dress:
Acceptable– Jeans (if they have holes, the holes must be covered at least to the knee), Dress Slacks, Capris, Joggers, Sweatpants, Jeggings/Leggings (with an appropriate covering/must be fingertip length), Athletic Shorts or Walking Shorts – MUST be an appropriate length.
*Any pants with tears, rips, etc. above the knee MAY be worn if appropriate clothing is worn underneath (no skin should be visible above the knee).
*All shorts MUST be fingertip length.
Unacceptable– Holes in material above the knee/ Pajama pants/ Short Shorts/ Frayed material/ Spandex
Shirts/ Blouses
Acceptable– Appropriate tops, including T-shirts and blouses/ Oxford style / Dress shirts / Polo shirts / Pullover sweatshirts worn over an approved shirt, Shirts that are off the shoulder must have an additional strap holding it up or underneath it (at least 3 fingers wide)
Unacceptable– See-through materials/ Midriff/ Halter Tops/ Off the shoulder shirts/Spaghetti Straps with no additional strap or shirt underneath/Trench Coats/Ribbed Undershirt Tank tops/Sleeveless A-Shirt
Skirts/Dresses and Spandex Material
Acceptable– Skirts/Dresses that are knee length (this includes any curves, slits, etc.), Sleeveless dresses (at least 3 fingers wide)
Unacceptable– Spandex or form-fitting material/ Skirts/Dresses shorter than knee length
Acceptable– Athletic-type of shoe / Flats or other safe shoe options. All shoes must have a hard sole.
Unacceptable– Slippers/ House shoes / Flip flops / Heels over 2 inches
Unacceptable – Hats / Bandanas / Bonnets/ Durags/ Sleep eye patches/ Hoodies (not to be worn inside buildings)/ Head coverings (without the approval of administration for religious or health conditions).
**Student ID Badges will be provided and MUST be worn at all times around the neck. Replacement IDs are $5**
Students who violate the dress code will receive the following consequences:
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- 1 hour Lunch Detention
3rd offense- Work Detail
4th offense- Work Detail
5th offense- Suspension
**Administration reserves the right to make all final decisions in regards to dress code violations.**